Cresswind At Lake Lanier Veterans Club
Minutes from the July 14, 2023, monthly meeting
Members Present:
Amy DeVillez, Rosemarie Bower, Robin Dickson and Kevin Pearson
Member Absent: J.A. Swartz, Denise Samples
Guest: Kandi Andrade
The meeting was called to order by Amy at 10:07 a.m.
STEPPING DOWN: Denise Samples will be stepping down from the treasurer’s position and the board. We thank her for helping us. Kandi Andrade is willing to serve. We will nominate her for this position at our next general membership meeting.
NEXT GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: Tuesday, July 18th at 4 p.m. in the ballroom. The guest speaker will be Renee Bennett. She is from Right At Home and will be sharing about VA benefits for Elderly care, home care, transportation, etc. We will also have four (4) $25 gift cards from Lowe’s. We will also present $2,000 for Good News at Noon food pantry and $500 for VFW Post 8452.
APPRECIATION DAY – August 1st: We are getting ready for this day. Amy got a $600 donation from Lanier Law Group to help sponsor this event. We will need to get a banner for this. Kevin has designed some banners to be used for this event and will be able to be used for future events. Thank you, Kevin, for doing this. He showed the board the designs. Rosemarie is getting folks to help with this event. Our goal for this event is to share with the community what Veterans Club does and to recruit new members.
VETERANS IN NEED: Jeff Crane is a Veterans Court success story. Alice Bray is his court appointed mentor. Jeff will be coming to our August 1st meeting to thank the Veterans Club. We helped Jeff with rent. We also have helped Eric Trameri’s three young children. We helped the mother with money for food and diapers.
BIKE DONATION: John and Arlene Stevens have donated two bikes. Rosemarie will keep them at her house. She will contact Mario Russo to make sure the bikes are in good working order.
GUEST SPEAKER – AUGUST 15: Tom Flaim will be speaking regarding WWII and the Italian Resistance Fighters. This will be held in the clubhouse ballroom at 4 p.m.
Next monthly meeting: Friday, September 8th at 10 a.m. in the Savannah room. No meeting on August 11th. We will correspond by email as necessary.
COAT DRIVE: We will have our coat drive for four days in October. OCTOBER 23 – 26. This will be held at the clubhouse.
OPEN DISCUSSION: The board discussed limitations on how much to help Veterans in need. At this time, we will not change the by-laws. We will continue to take case by case for our Veterans in need.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:07 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Rosemarie Bower, secretary