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Cresswind At Lake Lanier Veterans Club


Minutes from the June 14, 2024, monthly meeting

Members Present: All
Amy DeVillez, Kevin Pearson, Rosemarie Bower, Kandi Andrade, Robin Dickson, Carl Lambrecht and Jim Snell
Our monthly meeting was held at the home of Amy. The clubhouse was closed due to the paving project.

The meeting was called to order by Amy at 10:05 a.m.

FINANCIAL REPORT: Balance as of this meeting is $86,775. Kandi provided members with a breakdown of expenses, donations, etc. for Casino Night. The Non-Profit Insurance certificate has been received and our taxes have been filed by Blair Ruiz CPA.

FLAG CLUB: The board agreed to allow the Flag Club to come under the VETERANS CLUB. The Flag Club will continue to be responsible for their duties. Rosemarie will contact Rob Plawecki who oversees the Flag Club.

VETERANS WALL: Looking at doing an official ceremony. Kevin will be contacting Dave Dittmeier regarding working on having a “Veteran of the Month” picture, bio, etc.

NEW BOARD 2025: We will be asking for folks to consider serving on the board.

GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: Our next meeting will be Tuesday, July 16 at 4:30 p.m.  We will finalize plans at our next meeting.

VETERANS DAY LUNCH: Amy will be meeting with Jennifer regarding the luncheon to be held in November.

VETERANS COURT: We are needing volunteers to help. Looking at 2 men and 1 woman to help.  Rosemarie will send out a request to members to consider helping. Contact person: John DeVillez


Next monthly meeting: Friday, July 12, 2024, at 10 a.m. in the Savannah room.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Rosemarie Bower, secretary

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